Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Horse Camp

Last week, I went to a horse camp.I had a lot of fun. My horse's name is Solitaire and he is a 22 year old Gelding.His breed is Arabian. We learned how to walk, trot, and canter. We were also expected to learn the parts of a horse the horse colors, the parts of a saddle, and the types of brushes for grooming a horse. The worst part of the camp was cleaning the stalls of the horses because there was so much poo. Also, my horse drank a lot of water and after that, He started making a weird noise that made the teachers worry.They thought he was sick. Unfortunately, one girl fell off her horse and couldn't ride for the rest of the day. On Friday, we performed a show for our parents and we also did a skit. It was about a miniature pony named Cupcake and an evil black stallion named Auke. Cupcake is very fat. I don't know why. I guess it is because everyone thinks she is so cute and wants to feed her.We used real horses in the skit. Cupcake got scared of Auke because he was so big and we had to put her away.Then, we had a barbecue and everyone brought some kind of side dish to share. My best friend and I had a 4 day sleepover from Monday to Thursday. We stayed up late and played with her iPad 2 in her bed. However, we got caught by her mom. All of it was so much fun! Next year, I'm definetly coming back!

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