Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Comment on Jen Chin's "Cooking Lunch!"

I like making noodle soup as well, except I'm probably not very good at it. Today, my mom made noodles too. I liked them. They didn't have soup in them though. First, she boiled the water and separated the noodles. After that, she put them in the boiling hot water and started cooking them. Once she did that, she started working on the sauce. She chopped up meat and celery into small pieces and mixed it with miso sauce and cooked it. When she was done, the noodles were ready to be taken out. My mom tasted one to make sure they were soft, not hard and raw. Mom prepared four bowls and poured the water out of the pot the noodles were in. She filled it with clean water and once again, drained the water. This was supposed to clean the noodles. She put some noodles into each bowl and poured some sauce onto each bowl of noodles. Finally, my mom put some soy sauce and other stuff on the table in case anybody wanted more flavor in their noodles. I helped her with some things, such as separating the noodles and setting the table for my family. I had a great dinner because my mom's noodles were so delicious. I want to learn how to cook from mom later on. Yum! I love my mom's noodles! I really liked this blog that I read. It also teached me a new recipe.

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