Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Revenge of the Snails

One rainy night an evil eye knocked on the door.
It was the house of the snail.
He wended in and ate the ooze from the snail's plate.
Outside the rain stopped and it started to hail.

The snail was in peril!
He was in jeopardy too!
He was in a predicament,
And he needed to poo!

The evil eye was approaching,
With his loud gait,
He wanted to kill the poor snail,
His heart was full of hate!

The hour was desperate.
The eye emerged from the door,
The snail escaped from a hatch,
As the eye let out a roar.

Snail went to meet the EEO,
The group of deft elephants,
It was a haven of snails,
Elephant even sent reinforcements.

They came up with a hoax,
To retaliate against the eye.
They went to the expanse of the moor.
The pathetic snails tried not to cry.

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